गुरुवार, 21 सितंबर 2017

The Dhanuk of India :

In an age of diversity, there are still groups of people that are still 100 percent Hindu—people like the Dhanuk of India. The Dhanuk are spread across India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Pakistan.
Hardworking people, they commonly make their living as household workers for affluent families or in agriculture. A minority nationality, the Dhanuk have no land to call home. Their customs and culture holds them together as a people group. They live and work among people who have responded to the gospel, but these believers have not yet influenced them.
Pray that God would pour out His spirit on the Dhanuk people and that they would see dreams and visions of Jesus. Pray that they would be powerfully saved and empowered to be His witnesses (Joel 2:28-32).
 .......................AMIT KATHERIYA

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