बुधवार, 12 अप्रैल 2017

MUSLIM RULE's of India and war with Katheriya Rajput Clan!
Mamluk dynasty of Delhi (1206-1290)
Name Qutb-ud-din aybak
Date 1206-1210
S.No 2
Name Aram Shah
 Date 1210-1211

S.No 3
Name Shams-ud-din Iltutmish
Date 1211-1236

S.No 4
Name Rukn-ud-din Firuz
Date 1236

S.No 5
Name Raziyyat ud din Sultan
Date 1236-1240

S.No 6
Name Muiz-ud-din Bahram
Date 1240-1242

S.No 7
Name Ala-ud-din Masud
Date 1242-1246

S.No 8
Name Nasir-ud-din Baharam
Date 1246-1266

S.No 9
Name Ghiyas-ud-din Balban
Date 1266-1286
War with katheriya Rajputs
S.No 10
Name Muiz-ud-din Qaiqabad
Date 1286-1290
War with katheriya Rajputs
Khilji Dynasty (1290-1320)

S.No 1
Name Jalal ud din Firuz Khilji
Date 1290-1296
founder of the khilji dynasty, defeated some invading Mongol armies & war with kateriya.
S.No 2
Ala ud din Khilji
Date 1296-1316
considered the greatest of the Delhi Sultan, unified India and defeated a number of invading Mongol armies
S.No 3
Qutb ud din Mubarak Shah
Date  1316-1320
the Delhi Sultanate had shrunk during his reign
Tughlaq Dynasty (1321-1398)

S.No  1
Name Ghiyath al-Din Tughluq
Date 1321-1325

S.No 2
Name Muhammad bin Tughkuq
Date 1325-1351

S.No 3
Name Firuz Shah Tughluq
Date 1351-1388
War with katheriya Rajputs
S.No 4
Name Ghiyath al-Din Tughluq II
Date 1388-1389

S.No 5
Name Abu Baker
Date 1389-1390

S.No 6
Name Nasir al-Din Muhammad
Date 1390-1394

S.No 7
Name Mahmud Nasir al-Din (Sultan Mahmud) at Delhi

S.No 8
Name Nusrat Shah at Firuzabad

Name Sayyid Dynasty (1414-1451)

S.No 1
Name NameKhizr
Date 1414-1421

S.No 2
Name Mubarik II
Date 1421-1434

S.No 3
Name Muhamed IV
Date 1434-1445

S.No 4
Name Alem I

Lodi Dynasty (1451-1526)

S.No 1
Name Bahul Khan Lodi
 Date 1451-1489

S.No 2
Name Sikandar Lodi
Date 1489-1517
War with katheriya Rajputs
S.No 3
Name Ibrahim Lodi
Date 1517-1526
defeated by Babur (who replaces the Delhi Sultanate with the Mughal Empire )
Mughal Empire (1526-1857)
Mughal Dynasty (first rule, 1526-1540)

S.No 1
Name Zahir ud din Muhammad Babur
Date (1526–1530)
descendant of Mongol conqueror Timur, establishes the Mughal Empire (one of the 3 earliest gunpowder empires) after defeating theDelhi Sultanate
S.No 2
Name Nasir ud din Muhammad Humayun
Date (1530–1540)
temporarily loses his empire to usurper Sher Shah after being defeated by him
Suri Dynasty (1540-1555)

S.No 1
Name Sher Shah
Date (1540–1545)
seizes the Mughal Empire after defeating the second Mughal Emperor Humayun
S.No 2
Name Islam Shah Suri
Date (1545–1553)

S.No 3
Name Adil Shah
became insane and handed over rule to Hindu king Hemu
Mughal Dynasty (restored, 1556-1857)
S.No 1
Nasir ud din Muhammad Humayun
restores his empire after defeating Suri-ruler Adil Shah
S.No 2
Jalal ud din Muhammad Akbar (Akbar the Great)
considered the greatest of all Mughals, unified India ('Hind') under the Mughal Empire
S.No 3
Nur ud din Muhammad Jahangir
known in legends as Shehzada Salim
S.No 4
Dawar Baksh
was a stop gap arrangement till Shihab-ud-din Shah Jahan (1627–1657) took over.
S.No 5
Shihab-ud-din Shah Jahan
built the Taj Mahal, which is often regarded as one of the Seven Wonders of the World
S.No 6
Muhiuddin Muhammad Aurangzeb Alamgir
expanded the Mughal Empire to its greatest extent, ruling over most of South Asia and Afghanistan
S.No 7
Bahadur Shah I

S.No 8
Jahandar Shah

S.No 9
Farrukh Siyar

S.No 10
Rafi ud Darajat

S.No 11
Rafi ud Daulah

S.No 12

S.No 13
Muhammad Shah
(First rule, 1719–1720)

S.No 14
Muhammad Ibrahim

S.No 15
Muhammad Shah(Restored)

S.No 16
Ahmad Shah Bahadur

S.No 17
Alamgir II

S.No 18
Shah Jahan III

S.No 19
Shah Alam II

S.No 20
Akbar Shah II

S.No 21
Bahadur Shah II
British took the control
Note : 400 years war between Then Delhi sultanate made some of Katheriya rajputs to flee hilly part of India and Nepal.
1. Geography of India General Cunninggham
2. Bhart Bhumi aur us ke Nivasi Pandit Jai Chand
3. Bhartiya Itihas Ki Rup Rekha Pandit Jai Chand
4. Khsatriya Vartman Thakur Ajit Singh Parihar
5. Rohilla Jati Aur Us Ka Nirnaya Bim Raj Bhat
6. Annals and Antiquities of Rajastan Colonel James Tod
7. History of Rajputana Pandit Gauri Sankar Ojha
8. Watters Travels of H. Tsang
10. History of Tak Rajputs Sardar Jhanda Singh Nag
11. Mediaeval India CV Vaidya
........................................................................................................................ . युवा समाजसेवी विचारक व चिंतक अमित कठेरिया

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